Buah Pisang Dapat Menurunkan Stroke

Manfaat buah pisang itu, tidak diragukan lagi. Buah-buahan tropis yang kaya akan kalium bisa menjadi penangkal dan obat stroke.

Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa makan pisang tiga kali sehari untuk memberikan asupan kalium untuk mengurangi kemungkinan menderita penggumpalan darah di otak sebesar 21 persen.

Pisang rata-rata mengandung sekitar 500 miligram kalium, yang berarti bahwa lebih dari satu-tujuh dari asupan yang direkomendasikan kalium. Kandungan potasium pada pisang akan membantu mengurangi tekanan darah dan mengontrol keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh.

Namun, studi oleh para peneliti dari Inggris dan Italia, orang yang mengambil asupan kalium harian sekitar 1.600 miligram cukup untuk mengurangi risiko stroke hingga seperlima.

Hipertensi adalah penyebab utama dari faktor risiko stroke. Studi ini telah menunjukkan bahwa kalium dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan darah.

Selain kaya potasium, pisang juga mengandung seperempat dari kebutuhan harian vitamin B6. Pisang masak juga berguna dalam pengobatan diare dan sembelit.

Pisang juga kaya asam folat untuk dia menjadi sebagai makanan penting bagi wanita hamil dan wanita dewasa untuk segera memiliki anak.

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Bahaya Keputihan

Berbicara mengenai keputihan tidak lepas dari perempuan. Ya, keputihan sering di alami oleh wanita pada umumnya. Keputihan pada wanita adalah proses terjadinya keluarnya cairan yang berwarna putih kekuning-kuningan dan berbau. Ini menyebabkan wanita sering stress tentang masalah ini, entah gimana menanggulangi masalah keputihan tersebut. Telah berbagai macam obat dan ramuan untuk mengobatinya namun sifatnya hanya sementara. Tapi tidak semua juga obat tersebut tidak dapat menyembuhkan keputihan tersebut. Banyak obat tradisional maupun herbal yang ampuh menyembuhkan keputihan pada wanita.

Bahaya keputihan dapat menyebabkan infeksi pada saluran punya kita. Untuk itu segera memeriksakan diri ke dokter untuk mendapatkan pengobatan lebih lanjut. Jika tidak ditanggulangi maka akan berdampak tidak baik bagi kesehatan kita.

Sudah disebutkan di atas, Keputihan Wanita bisa disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri, jamur, virus, atau proses alergi. Tapi, dokter merasa kesulitan karena gejalanya yang timbul enggak khas. Makanya, diperlukan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mendukung diagnosisnya.

Banyak di antara kita yang merasa keputihan, lalu beli Obat Vagina atau Obat Keputihan Wanita atas anjuran iklan-iklan di televisi. Lalu kita minum obat itu enggak sesuai kebutuhan dan enggak benar dosisnya. Ini sangat berbahaya.

Misalnya kita meminum antibiotic (Obat Keputihan) buat mengobati keputihan. Ini berguna kalau kita memang kena infeksi bakteri. Tapi, kalau ternyata penyebabnya lain, tentu beda lagi ceritanya. Antibiotik yang diminum secara asal-asalan, dengan dosis yang kurang tepat, sangat merugikan kita sendiri karena bakteri yang menguntungkan akan ikut mati.

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Xbox 360 Slim Vs Older Xbox 360 Models

Playstation 3 Console Deals – So, Microsoft has released a new version of Xbox 360, released the Xbox 360 Slim and here we’ll see if it’s more interesting to buy the original Xbox 360.

The Xbox 360 has a matte black finish, with two fans on the back, three USB ports and removable hard drives (different sizes of 20GB, 60GB, 120GB and 250GB). Now the new Xbox 360 Slim is has a glossy black finish, a new angular design, incredible touch keys, fan, built-in 802.11n Wi-Fi, built with 250 GB HDD, 5 USB ports looks like.

Now compare this in more detail.

So does the original Xbox 360 models have a matte finish, which is fine, but look at the pad surface is not as beautiful as you can see the shine of the new Xbox 360 Slim, the reason is behind the gloss because Microsoft thought it was time to away from the matte finish like the original Xbox and Xbox 360 – Enjoy Xbox 360 Live – both had a matte finish.

The new Xbox 360 Slim is equipped with tactile buttons, which is standard on most new equipment now, so it was a logical next step in old style button that had the Xbox 360.

Now you have the older model Xbox 360 has two fans in the back, but if you think about it, there was no better place to place and handle most of them could not get the amount of heat inside the Xbox 360 was generated. The Xbox 360 Slim on the other side has a fan, but is larger of the two fans on Xbox 360 found, and is also a better location, ie, is your Xbox 360 Slim for much cooler to keep the best part of the fan Xbox 360 Slim is that it’s quiet operation! no louder buzz when playing games or watching movies!

The Xbox 360 Slim has 5 USB ports 3 USB ports that you found on older models of Xbox 360’s USB port, which can be found on the performance even better than the Xbox 360 and the rest S is designed for use with the Kinetic new controller system hands free!

The Xbox 360 has a hard drive that is outside of the console, not all versions of a hard drive! However, the Xbox 360 Slim is equipped with a disk drive 250 GB! Now you have a couple of difficult years, even close to filling the hard drive!

Another advantage of Xbox 360 Slim is built in 802.11n Wi-Fi! which means that there is no need to walk up and buy wireless accessories, so you can only get the money, or go and buy more games! As you can see, the Xbox 360 Slim has won this battle, so make sure you have!


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Enjoy Xbox 360 Live

Xbox 360 now – PS3 YLOD FIX – offers fans the opportunity to live together with the additional feature of Xbox Live to communicate. Become a member of Xbox Live! Included in the box Xbox 360, is that Xbox Live members the chance to have another conversation, the Xbox 360. You can discuss all problems with friends and family on Xbox. Whether you’re designing a game plan with your favorite team or just chatting with a friend, you can chat for free on Xbox. You can also interact with thousands of other Xbox players. All Xbox Live members will be included in the chat list. You can store the Xbox Live Marketplace. You can purchase additional game. You can see a preview video. And much more!

If you want to be one of us, Xbox Live allows you to choose which type of membership you’ll be happy.

1) Xbox Live Silver membership is open to anyone with an Xbox 360 or Xbox 360 Core System. You need to upgrade the hard drive or memory unit and a broadband connection to a part of everything. News and downloads are only two additional features of Xbox Live Silver membership available.

2) Another option is the Xbox Live Gold offers the possibility to play multiplayer online. The cost is the same as the original Xbox Live.

In addition to the incredible Xbox Live features already mentioned, the Xbox 360 uses a new storage system for games and players are able to provide information different from any other console first.

With Xbox 360, you can create a unique profile for each player, both guests and family. You can have the display console in selected colors. Each player can have a different name, and type of features, and the theme of the dashboard and the various settings. You can also use your account information has Xbox Live and learn about all the features of a particular player that you have selected.

The other great thing about Xbox Live is the memory. Game saves, even if separated by sections, have some things in common. After you create your own profile stores all Xbox 360 games that you play and reach the level you play. When you connect to your personal account, you can play the level again and improve your score. All of Serbia is for you, and no information is lost. The hard drive or memory card has a large potential space.

As you noticed, Xbox 360 (How to Fix Xbox 360 Problems), this is the miracle of all games. It offers a great gaming experience. By becoming a member of Xbox Live, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences with other players and make them known. To improve the exchange of information, your gaming experience and get the full potential of Xbox 360 earlier.

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How to Fix Xbox 360 Problems

If your Xbox 360 problems frustrate you (Blinking Red Light On PS3)? Are you having RROD – Red Ring of Death? If the video with 360 questions, or unusual noises? Need a Fix Xbox Ring of Death?

Xbox 360 problems are experienced by as many as 30 to 50% of Xbox users. What can you do? What are the options?

If the Xbox 360 does not work at all or only for a short time, then stops, then it must be repaired. A fix is available and there is no need to throw it away and buy a new one. It ‘s also good to know that bankruptcy is probably not your fault. This is because there are manufacturing defects that are directly in the Xbox, which raise the head bad, after can be used for a short period of time to be built to lift.

The production has recognized these problems and has also extended Xbox 360 warranty to three years to address the problems. The warranty is valid only if it has not been opened or tampered with the console. If you already have the tiles have been manipulated to bring yet another option for repair, all is not lost … only the production of free repair estimate.

The first step to restore the Xbox is calling the manufacture and see if you’re still under warranty. Call 1-800-4MY-XBOX. If the sky is overcast, you can get fixed for free. And ‘in 2-6 weeks (rip) and should be your first choice.

If the Xbox is not under warranty still in production will be repaired for $ 100 – $ 140 plus shipping and what is recommended, unless you are familiar with electronic repair. If you are handy when you buy the tools needed to repair electronics on eBay, but remember, you can, if you have warranty repairs should behave, voids the warranty.

With the above said and heard that the problems of repairing Xbox 360 is not that difficult if you follow to take your time and be able to simple instructions. Only the basic technical skills and tools for sustainable development Fix Xbox Ring of Death required. Only about 6-8% of Xboxes are not repairable, if you have a good chance to save your console!

Most problems are caused by overheating Xbox and although you may overheat Do not place the console in a well ventilated, the Xbox has to contribute a design flaw in this field. The Xbox 360 is a powerful computer and generates considerable heat, especially when playing for a long period. All are from components of the computer to be left in the stone with little space to fit so that the chances of overheating are high. However, these errors can be successfully treated by overheating.

You can find all kinds of patches are free of charge via the Internet, but for the most part, are temporarily or pure snake oil. The console cover with the towel trick can stay on your game for a while ‘, but the Xbox 360 there are problems and the current warming will reduce the life of internal components and to restore order in a sum of electronic malfunction. I’ve also seen a fix for an Xbox ring of death, we suggest to make an ice pack or frozen vegetables on or through the Xbox!

Like most problems in life, common sense exercise is the key to success. This is true even if the problems of the Xbox 360. To understand the causes, weigh options and take appropriate action, you can run the Xbox 360 and again in a safe and permanent repair without a new package. Once dissolved, you will never have a ring of Death Fix Xbox to find.

This article also read: About Xbox 360 Elite Systems

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About Xbox 360 Elite Systems

If you’re a hardcore gamer Xbox – PS3 Not Reading Discs -, then you might consider a system of Xbox 360 Elite. With the purchase of an Elite console, not just buying a gaming machine of the prior art, but also the purchase of a home media center. With an Xbox 360, you can play your favorite DVDs to play directly on your Xbox 360. Most people do not realize that all you have to do is insert a DVD in the Xbox in the same way that you touch is a game of Xbox. Then just use the Xbox 360 controller to select the mode you want to watch the DVD. Why are People Interested in Xbox Cheats?

Another large part is to own an Xbox 360 Elite, which allows you to watch your favorite DVDs in HD. Most people do not realize that every Xbox 360 console with a cable standard and high definition comes. If you want to use your Xbox in HD mode, you need to buy an HDTV. The investment is worth the conversation goes. View and play your favorite games in HD is a very honest difference of a viewing experience to a standard image.

One of the main advantages of using an Xbox 360 Elite is that you get a 120 GB hard drive, this unit is the largest hard drive, you can have on an Xbox. There are many advantages to having a large capacity disk drive. With a 120 GB hard drive you can download and save a lot more movies and music videos. The best part of this record is that you do on your system and bring in a friend’s house if they are parties. At the party, you can watch your favorite games and DVDs.

The Xbox Live Marketplace is a great feature that you get with the purchase of an Xbox 360 Elite. The Xbox Live Marketplace is a virtual marketplace that allows you to browse through hundreds of videos, movies, music and games. There are actually original Xbox games that you can make available for download on Xbox 360. You can also get some of your favorite movies in theaters directly on the market. The best part about this is to download things to do things that you saved on your hard drive for your viewing pleasure.

Xbox 360 Elite systems also come with a standard Xbox DVD remote control. The DVD remote is really an amazing piece of equipment. It allows you to pause, fast forward, stop and return the DVD in one click of a button. The interface of DVD is also something that is quite surprising. Might want from the menu of the DVD is still the language in which you watch the movie or DVD in addition, most of the DVD, the manufacturer must see the article that you feel like the film.

Many players are aware that every Xbox 360 Elite is equipped with a wireless Xbox controller. With a wireless Xbox controller is great because you sit back and relax without being able to care for long lines. Xbox game consoles, which are not, you should play with wired controllers. Playing with a wired controller, extremely dangerous, because it forces you to sit near the TV. With an Xbox 360 Wireless Controller sit as close to the TV as you like, or what is the TV. You must also not someone tripping over a cable and pushed the console to worry about.

Another great thing about owning an Xbox 360 Elite is the ability to play Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero is by far one of the most enjoyable games for the Xbox that you own. If you play Guitar Hero, you get a real plastic guitar with which you can play your favorite songs. Each copy of Guitar Hero, you can go to your favorite songs directly from your home. You feel as if I were a rock star!

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Why are People Interested in Xbox Cheats?

PS3 Flashing Red Light – Xbox trick is mainly used for two purposes. For many players, the trick Xbox is a shortcut to victory. For some players, the Xbox game cheat code is a way to make the game more attractive. The need for a shortcut to victory arises mainly when a player finds the game very difficult. Another reason for the widespread use of Xbox trick is the lack of time and busy lifestyle of many players. Xbox 360 trick is also an ideal way to explore the uncharted territory in a game. It also helps to improve the use of weapons in a game. For example, the Max Shooter for Xbox with a wide range of functions that can be obtained by using certain keyboard key combinations listed in the manual can be viewed will be packed. It ‘s fully programmable and comes with presets for many game titles.

Players are always looking for new ideas to improve the game programmers around the world are aware of this and when a new game released, they will immediately create the make-up Xbox. Some codes are set intentionally by the developers and is sometimes fun to find them. Some programmers to improve their first Xbox Cheats and often renewed the interest in old games. But most programmers are interested in new tricks Xbox 360. Visit New Xbox 360 Slim 4GB or 250GB
In the category of the console, the Xbox was revolutionary because it was the first console that has had a hard drive. The hard drive is a great advantage because it allows the player to save games without a memory card. There was also plenty of room for experimentation and allows developers to add more commands. But the biggest advantage of the hard drive is that it allowed hackers to store Xbox cheat. Hackers can also damage the Xbox operating system. This gap has been used by many to add Xbox cheat codes, and is now used by many players of online games.

There is never a shortage of Xbox cheats, and are in many forms. Some cheat code in the form of hidden characters to come. Some other Xbox games cheat code unlocks mystery weapons. There is also cheating, a player can protect against all possible attacks. Other Xbox game cheat deals with costumes and movements. Players can use to explore all areas of the game as the Xbox code trick that gives you instant access to all the different areas in a game. Some tricks Xbox increases the interest in a game, but there are some who are totally incapacitated party.

It ‘s very easy to use make-up Xbox. A beginner can use tricks. Often, the keys are in a unique way. According to the code Xbox makeup, if strikes at different times can be entered. Sometimes must be done after loading the interface. Otherwise, it should be done before a game. Other ways to use the cheat code to include in particular the repetition of certain tasks to perform certain tasks in order, the hidden input fields, and win a challenge on several occasions.

Xbox cheat are easily accessible. There are many websites and books that deal with these codes. Xbox cheats are only rarely found in the manual of a game are hidden in the game code and must be found. Some manufacturers of licking, to increase the popularity of the game there are many forums that deal with the Xbox 360 cheat. In addition to websites and forums, there are some blogs with makeup Xbox.


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New Xbox 360 Slim 4GB or 250GB

PS3 Troubleshooting – The new Xbox 360 Slim is huge compared to the PS3 and Wii, and if you ask why, then keep reading and I’ll tell you. Its a lot of new features, and built the old Xbox 360, for example, an elegant new design, with Wi-Fi, a silent system, and the big boom here, add it to Kinect. There is certainly an argument to be updated with this new system and its functions, for now let me tell you all about the new Xbox 360

For those of you who do not know what comes with the Xbox 360, let me tell you. He Xbox Live that allows you to connect with friends and people around the world to play and communicate with each other. It also allows you to enter the market game, where you can find new games to download, the music market in which last.fm and Zune, the video market, which you can access videos from the following locations: Zune allows you to watch, to buy and rent movies in HD, Netflix, if you are immediately downloaded movies to watch and ESPN, where you can get over 3500 events. The more you can have your avatar that you and your friends on Xbox is shown, and you can create / her person from head to toe with clothing and accessories.

An elegant new glossy black design for the Xbox 360 Slim is a recasting of the old clunky Xbox 360 was made the new Xbox 360 Slim is 17 percent smaller than the old Xbox 360 and is now touch sensitive power and disc tray Now there are five more USB ports, 2 front and 3 rear.

Built-in WiFi lets you access the Internet and allows you to instantly get HD video, music, movies and more.

A good fan instead of two fans are not consistent in making the new Xbox 360 Slim quiet, smooth operation and no chance of getting the red ring of death. The system will now shut down if it overheats.

Another good upgrade that the Xbox 360 Slim, the Kinect add-on. Kinect allows you to play without a controller, and you are more or less the game. You can check the games and movies to talk with you or in your hand and the wave rather than interact with it, as everyone in the structure.


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Acer Tablet Iconia A500

The Acer Iconia Tab A500 is a touch screen tablet that works with Honeycomb 3.0 Android platform, using a custom user interface 4.5 that supports Acer Adobe Flash 10.1. That differs significantly from the screen twice Acer Iconia a similar name. The A500 offers an impressive book Iconia Tab has generated considerable interest in the industry.

Using the powerful Nvidia Tegra 250 dual-core processor, the A500 is capable of processing transparent Inconia HD games, multimedia applications and animations. The 10.1-inch high brightness of the screen is also excellent for playing 1080p HD video. The display 10-point multi capacitive gyroscope and control is highly anticipated features. The ability of users to play games online arcade 3D HD A500 Iconia tab at a level similar to game consoles is very attractive. The reactivity of the screen has been considered, although some concerns were expressed about the problems of glare for a potential outdoor use. The overall game play combined with compressed HD touch screen features has the potential to influence the game technology to come.

A big draw card is Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network support capabilities. Since Verizon 4G network continues to roll across the United States and around the world, Tablet Acer Iconia A500 ensures that it is at the forefront of networking. The media sharing capabilities facilitate high-speed multimedia Clear.fi and sharing large files over networks, especially the HD video files. Equipped with a full-size USB port, a mini USB port, HDMI output, a Micro SD card and support from the SIM card, Acer Iconia A500 ensures its relevance, such as multi-purpose tray and not just limited use One Trick Pony. The rear camera is functional, but somewhat limited in use.

Tips mengatasi laptop yang tidak menyala.

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Android Cell Phone Operating System History

Android is an operating system of mobile phones, initially developed by Android Incorporated. Barely two years had the Palo Alto, California, Inc. Android mobile device a lot of knowledge. Google recognizes the market potential of mobile devices, the company acquired in 2005. The operating system is based on a modified version of the open source operating system Linux with applications written in different programming languages ​​such as Java, Python and Ruby. Android was one of the most popular mobile operating systems phone, Blackberry, Apple iPhone, Symbian and Microsoft Pocket PC and now the phone 7

Google and Open Handset Alliance developed an operating system Android. The Open Handset Alliance includes companies like Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics, NVIDIA, LG, Qualcomm, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile. On November 5, 2007 Google and the Open Handset Alliance announced they were working on a mobile set of open standards and introduces Android. In a little over a year ARM Holdings, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Corp, Asustek Computer Inc., Garmin Ltd. and Vodafone joined the Open Handset Alliance.

Around August 2008 rumors began circulating that a new cell phone was ready for publication with the Android operating system. In October of that year T-Mobile G1 Android smartphone introduced to 1.0. The new phone first carried out at a price of $ 129.99 with a two-year contract. The phone was built by HTC and offered a sliding keyboard design. G1 was a screen display of 3.2 inches diagonally with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The G1 has access to Android Market, Google ran where customers can install third party applications. The market showed that only thirty to forty applications at once.

Android operating system to continue with the development of the following announcement is named after deserts. Listed below are the names platform 1.0, 1.1, 1.5 (cupcake), 1.6 (Donut), 2.0/2.1 (Eclair), 2.2 (Froyo), 2.3 (gingerbread) and 3.0 (honeycomb). Tablet Android honeycomb version 3.0 was designed to take advantage of the larger size of the tablet screen and hardware capabilities.

Since publication of the initial number of T-Mobile G1 Android mobile phone was released. Every major airline in the United States now offer Android phones. As with the increase of units increased as the number of Android applications. As of this writing Android Market has more than 200,000 requests. One wonders what mobile devices of tomorrow will bring.

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